Court Ordered Community Service Application

Fill out this application if your community service is court ordered. If you need community service for a class or reason other than court ordered, please fill out the Volunteer Application instead.
Please note: You must be 18 years or older to do community service for PAWS.
Emergency Contact(Required)

Applicant's Basic Background Information

What was your offense?(Required)

Are you presently employed?(Required)
Have you had any involvement with any other animal groups or animal professionals?(Required)

Volunteer duties are assigned as needed depending on what needs to be addressed at that particular time in our Adoption Center. Sometimes cat and dog food shipments need to be put away and organized. Sometimes you will be asked to load and unload tables, chairs, tents, signage, educational materials, PAWS materials and crates for community events and adoption fairs. Other times we need crates and litter boxes cleaned, sanitized and put away.

General Release and Waiver

In consideration of the opportunity to volunteer with PAWS, I agree to the following:

By signing this agreement, I agree to all of the above and will not hold PAWS or any volunteer, supporter or animal in our care liable. I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the foregoing Community Service Application and General Release and Waiver Form and I agree that I will comply with the same.

I give my permission to PAWS to verify any of the information given above.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature