Thrift Store Volunteer Application

Basic Information

Are you at least 18 years old?(Required)
You must be at least 18 years old to volunteer with PAWS. If you are under 18 years old, your parent or guardian must sign as a responsible person and must accompany you when volunteering.

In Case of Emergency


For Background Checks

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Excluding traffic violations, have you ever been convicted of any criminal offense or placed under any court ordered supervision?(Required)


Reference #1
Reference #2


Have you ever volunteered before?(Required)
What days are you available? Check all that apply(Required)
Are you a thrift store shopper?(Required)
Are you interested in customer service or cashiering?
Can you lift 40 pounds (not required)?(Required)
Can you drive a van (not required)?(Required)

General Release and Waiver

You are advised to consult with counsel regarding the legal effect of this General Release and Waiver prior to executing said agreements.
I agree to the following provisions when volunteering with or fostering for PAWS.(Required)
Clear Signature